eP\sode 1


Deep down in an old dilapidated basement of a Federal prison, a GROUP OF WORKERS and the PRISON WARDEN are heading down a labyrinth of tunnels transfixed under the prison throughout. It is dark. It is damp.

Brown water slow drips from the encrusted and eroded rusted pipes. It is apparent that this part of the building has been ignored for decades and is in total disrepair.

The Group of Men approach a small jail cell with an unusually large sealed box inside of it. The Warden instructs the Workmen to remove it from the cell. The Workmen struggle with the box. They wrap massive industrial galvanized link chains around it. After, they carefully place the box on a jerry rigged low flat gurney cart and tow the box by hands strength through the corridors of the tunnel. They all move towards an overwhelming bright light.
